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Plant Shadow



Life is wild - but in the midst of everything, believe it or not, we are still hopeful!  We know that whatever God's plan is, it’s for the better.  As the rough waves toss us around, we know we have an anchor to keep us grounded!


  Though it's not our usual style to ask for help, we truly believe it's important to invite people in on our unique journey. First, we would covet your prayers as we walk out this next chapter. IVF, as some of you may know, can come with a hefty price tag (think no insurance coverage with a $25K and growing price tag).  If you have the means, consider making a purchase or donation to fuel our adventure on the road no one hopes to land on.


Don't forget to follow us on social media, and spread the word! Share our story with your crew and let's make this adventure unforgettable. We can't wait to have you along for the ride! 



Make a Gift to Help Grow the Langan Fam!
Financial support for our IVF, Foster Care, & Adoption journey.

Anyone who comes alongside us in this way will receive a sweet lil' piece of art in return!
Make a Gift to Help Grow the Langan Fam! Financial support for our IVF, Foster Care, & Adoption journey. Anyone who comes alongside us in this way will receive a sweet lil' piece of art in return!

Other amount
Plant Shadow


More than financial support what we need most in this season is prayer. Please come alongside us as we venture into a new phase of life for our family... unconventional is what we do best!

Embryologist Adding Sperm to Egg

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

How crazy is science?! We are so thankful for the amazing doctors we are working with to utilize technology to expand our family. We prepping for our second round of IVF and will continue to update as things progress.


Foster Care

There are over 1,250 children and youth in the foster care system in Hawaii... That is a massive need. We are honored to come alongside children and families in their time of crisis - whether for a day, month, or years. 

Parent and Child


Even before our wedding (over 10 years ago) we both agreed that adoption would be part of our journey. We are awaiting God's direction as we move forward to grow our family in this way.

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